The owner and operator of Magyar Posta Business Mobile Application is Magyar Posta Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (1138 Budapest, Dunavirág utca 2-6).
In these Conditions of Use the following definitions apply:
a. “Company” means Magyar Posta Zrt;
b. “User” means all customers of the Company who are end users of the Application and the words “you” and “your” have the same meaning;
c. „Application” means past, present and future content, including but not limited to the design and structure of the Application, texts, images, photographs, illustrations, compilations, graphic material, broadcasts, advertising slogans, databases, proprietary information, all elements of the Application protected by copyright or other right (including source and object codes) and all other material that can be linked to the Company, the Application itself, the arrangement, choice and sequence of the elements within the Application, the main characteristics of the design, all trademarks, protected services, company name, logos, domain names, patents and all intellectual products which are protected by copyright and proprietary rights and are the property of the Company.
d. „Conditions of Use” means this document.
e. „Application Environment” means the platforms where the User can consult Content.
f. „Content” means the entire Application and its contents.
These Conditions of Use govern relations between the Company and you. These Conditions of Use do not imply any entitlement for third parties or beneficiaries.
By ticking “I ACCEPT” and using Magyar Posta Business Mobile Application and accessing the Application you accept:
a. the Conditions of Use, and
b. the information on data handling specified in point 5.
1. The User takes note of the following:
a. the Company provides you with access to the Application only;
b. you may only access the Application as a User;
c. these Conditions of Use do not grant the right to use images, signs, logos, brands or emblems used in the Application;
d. unauthorised use of the Application is not permitted, in particular the Application may not be used on an interface other than that provided by or in a manner differing from the instructions given by the Company.
e. the information provided by the Application is incomplete. More information is available on the Company’s website:;
f. you are not entitled to change, let, lease, lend, sell, divide or decrypt in whole or in part the Application or information learnt while using it;
g. the Company reserves the right to deny access and remove content without undertaking any obligation in this respect;
h. the Company reserves the right to update the software, after which the Conditions of Use must be accepted again;
i. the Company reserves the right to amend the Conditions of Use;
j. use after the introduction of new Conditions of Use constitutes acceptance of the amended Conditions of Use;
k. the Company may block access to the Application if you infringe the Conditions of Use (or your conduct clearly shows that you have no intention to or cannot comply with the Conditions of Use);
l. the Company may terminate the Application.
2. You accept that you:
a. may only use the Application for the purposes permitted by the Conditions of Use and relevant law, regulations and generally accepted practice;
b. may not access or attempt to access the Application in a manner other than that defined in the Application Environment;
c. may not carry out any activity that may interfere with the Application (or with the servers and networks which convey information during use and/or are connected with the Application);
d. do not acquire the right to copy, distribute, sell or lease parts of the Application or the software belonging to the Application, and neither are you entitled to decrypt the software or attempt to obtain the software source code except if you have obtained written permission from the Company to this end;
e. by using the Application, do not acquire any intellectual property right to the Application or the content accessible on it. You are not entitled to use content originating from the Application except if you have obtained written permission from the Company to this end.
3. The Company may send the User service communications and administrative messages related to the use of the Application, and other information not classified as commercial advertisement under Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic requirements and certain restrictions of commercial advertising activities. By accepting these Conditions of Use the User expressly consents to being sent such messages by the Company.
4. The Company provides the Application for non-commercial, non-exclusive, restricted personal use and the Application may be used for no other purpose without the prior written consent of the Company. The User agrees to satisfy all copyright requirements, information and restrictions which may be found in any part of the Application. The User may not alter, delete or mask any copyright mark, trade mark, patent or similar mark in the Application, including in downloadable, forwarded, presented or printed parts of the Application or parts reproduced by any other means.
5. The Company accepts no liability for loss of profit, loss of income, loss of data or financial loss attributable to the Application and to information learnt during its use, and does not indemnify indirect, exceptional, consequential, material and non-material losses.
1. You consent that the Company
a. may handle through the mobile application your personal data given by you or absolutely essential for the operation of the functions of the mobile application;
b. may transmit your personal data to third parties, in particular a third party installing the mobile application and accepting its contractual conditions, insofar as the data transmission is absolutely essential for the operation of the functions of the mobile application and, in the absence of the personal data, operation upon the service conditions of the functions is impossible;
c. may display information about its own advertisements and special offers as well as those of its contracted partners within the mobile application.
2. In the course of operating the mobile application, the Company will handle the following data and the mobile application may access the following functions of the mobile phone:
a. name;
b. addressee's name;
c. User identifier;
d. GPS data for actual position, cell information;
e. e-mail address;
f. personal data featured in the e-mail text;
g. Facebook, Google+ or Addressbook identifier;
h. profile picture;
i. results achieved in games;
j. date of results achieved;
k. top list category;
l. data of Facebook friends (who have installed the mobile application and accepted the contractual conditions);
m. device identifier;
n. camera.
3. You take note that in order for some functions of the mobile application to operate it is essential for your personal data to be transmitted to the service providers below to the extent and for the time necessary for the functions to operate:
a. Facebook Ireland Ltd. Hanover Reach, 5-7 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2 Ireland, a company registered in Ireland under number 462932
Facebook: Logging in, searching for/inviting friends and sharing;
b. Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States of America)
Google+: Logging in, searching for/inviting friends and sharing;
Google Push Notification server;
Google maps server;
Google Play Services;
c. Apple Inc. (1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California, USA, 95014)
Apple GameCenter;
Apple maps;
Apple Push Notification server.
4. The User takes note of the following:
a. if you are under the age of 16, your consent is only valid with the approval of your legal representative, which must be obtained before installing the mobile application;
b. if while using the mobile application the personal data of a third party is recorded, obtaining the consent required for that person’s data to be processed and to be transferred to the Company is your responsibility;
c. the controller of the data is the Company, which uses Dorsum Informatikai Fejlesztő és Szolgáltató Zrt. as the data processor to process data;
d. with the exception of the data described in this point, the Company handles personal data for 5 years after the purpose of recording the data ceased. Personal data handled in the course of the operation of games accessible through the mobile application and stored on the mobile device in connection with the operation of the mobile application are irreversibly deleted on the deletion of the mobile application;
e. the staff of the Company and the data processor engaged in the operation of the mobile application and Magyar Posta Zrt.’s staff providing the services available through the mobile application may learn your personal data provided this is absolutely necessary in order to achieve the purpose of the use of the data.
5. The Company advises you that:
a. data handling is voluntary;
b. the legal basis for processing personal data is the voluntary consent of the User under Section 13/A of Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services, Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic requirements and certain restrictions of commercial advertising activities, and Section 5(1)(a) of Act CXII of 2011 on informational self-determination and freedom of information;
c. at your request, the Company will advise you of all data handled regarding your person and all facts related to their use in writing if you so request. Supplying information is free of charge unless you have already requested information from the Company about the same data in the current year. In other cases a charge will be made;
d. you may exercise the rights defined in Sections 14 to 21 of Act CXII of 2011 on informational self-determination and freedom of information in connection with the use of your personal data. Thus you may request that your personal data be corrected, deleted or blocked, and may prohibit the use of your personal data at any time;
e. you may exercise your rights with regard to your data being used by sending a statement by post to the Company’s central customer service at Központi Ügyfélszolgálat, 3525 Miskolc, by calling 06-1-767-8282, sending a fax to 06-46-320-136 or sending an e-mail to;
f. With regard to the Company’s data processing, you may turn to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c, postal address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5, e-mail: or to the courts.
6. If you request your data to be deleted or blocked that is essential for the operation of the functions of the mobile application but do not delete the mobile application at the same time, the Company’s right to continue to process your data will remain.
The purpose of the software updates is to expand, improve and develop the Application and to inform you of new services such as new functions of the Application. By using the Application, you consent to receiving such updates and take note that carrying out the changes may affect its accessibility.