Your Own Stamp-régi
Would you like your family looking at you from a stamp? Or send family photos – as stamps – to any corner of the world? Or post your letters with the faces of you or your family smiling at the addressee from the stamp? Now you can! Just order Your Own Stamp from the Hungarian Post Office Ltd.
It is a stamp with a label showing a picture of your choice. The smallest amount you can buy is one heet of stamps containing Your Own Stamps of identical size.
How is Your Own Stamp made?
A photo of your choice is reproduced on the blank labels on a sheet of
stamps, which you can then buy. The smallest amount you can buy is one
sheet of stamps containing copies of Your Own Stamp of identical size.
The size of the label used to personalise the stamps is 36,25 x 25,20 mm:
Your Own Message Stamp IV : Domestic 35
with 35 stamps
A4 size sheet of stamps
Your Own Stamp
with 6 stamps
A5 size sheet of stamps
The size of the label used to personalise the stamps is 18 x 25,2 mm for all other stamps (except Your Own Folkloriada Stamp, which is 25 × 21.67 mm):
My First Stamp (without value indication)
with 20 stamps
A4 size sheet of stamps
Why choose Your Own Stamp?
Your Own Stamp is not just an excellent gift or souvenir but can also be used to post a letter. Surprise your friends and family with a greetings card posted with Your Own Stamp or have one made for them.

What can be on Your Own Stamp?
Your Own Stamp, as the name implies, is made for you from photos of you, your family or friends. Due to the size of the stamp, close-ups of one or two people or even a small group, such as a family or company management, can feature on the stamp. On request objects or pets can also be put on Your Own Stamp or even a pic ture of a company logo or slogan. The photo for Your Own Stamp is accepted on paper (sharp close-up, preferably on a neutral, light background) or electronically (.jpg or .tif file, max. 1 Mbyte, min. 100 dpi), if possible with the part to be displayed indicated.
For Your Own Stamp, Magyar Posta can not accept pictures that are against the law, e.g. that are obscene, defamatory or indecent. In any legal dispute arising from the picture, the customer is liable.

Click here to see available sheets